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Posted: December 10, 2013

Innovative arts programs help grow young artists

British Columbia’s budding artists now will have more opportunities to attend professional arts performances, be mentored by artists and gain work experience thanks to new government-funded BC Arts Council programs, Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes said last week.

The BC Arts Council (BCAC), government’s lead agency for arts development, is launching:

Creative Youth Initiatives ($2 million) to provide funding to local arts and culture organizations in communities throughout British Columbia to offer activities that help youth experience and participate in the arts; and

The Early Career Development Program ($600,000) to help young career professionals and recent graduates gain work experience and make contacts to help build careers in B.C.’s creative sector.

Creative Youth Initiatives and Early Career Development support BC Creative Futures, the B.C. government’s strategy to foster success in British Columbia’s creative economy. Announced last January, BC Creative Futures promotes youth engagement with the arts to help prepare young British Columbians for rewarding careers in the creative industries, including music, theatre, visual arts, design, animation, film and arts administration.

Hon. Coralee Oaks
Hon. Coralee Oaks

“Creativity is serious business in British Columbia. We are committed to helping young, talented British Columbians build satisfying creative careers. These new programs are unique because through the BC Arts Council, our province’s dynamic arts and culture sector will help youth in their communities access opportunities to experience and participate in the arts. It’s a win-win situation for young British Columbians, established arts and culture organizations and British Columbia’s creative economy,” Oakes stated.

“British Columbia is fortunate to be home to world-renowned artists and arts and culture organizations. The BC Arts Council is proud to provide these programs, which will help our impressive artists and organizations play a key role in inspiring the next generation. By supporting opportunities to interact with accomplished artists and participate in art projects, these new programs will inspire artistic creativity and develop talent in British Columbia’s youth. We are very excited about helping young people build relationships and make contacts that will lead to successful careers in arts and culture,” added BC Arts Council chair Stan Hamilton.

To support BC Creative Futures, the B.C. government increased BC Arts Council funding to a record high $24 million in 2013-14.

Arts and culture in British Columbia employ over 87,000 British Columbians, including almost 26,000 artists.

Approximately 88,000 volunteers and 126,000 donors support arts and culture in British Columbia.

In 2013, the B.C. government increased funding for arts and culture to over $60 million – about $7 million higher than last year.

Creative Youth Initiatives helps B.C. youth experience the arts through three programs.

1) BC Arts Council (BCAC) Youth Engagement Pilot Program – $1.6 million

Cultural organizations can apply for funding to provide opportunities to create artwork for, by and with young people. Eligible applicants include recent recipients of BCAC grants, as well as incorporated arts and culture organizations mandated to provide quality arts experiences for children and youth.

Learn more about eligibility and how to apply at:

2) Community Presenter Youth Engagement Pilot Program – $200,000

Youth will enjoy greater access to the arts through this program to help cultural organizations remove barriers to participation. The BC Touring Council, a non-profit that helps arts and culture organizations present professional arts performances in their communities, will implement the program in partnership with BCAC.

Learn more about eligibility and how to apply at:

3) Aboriginal Youth Engaged in the Arts – $200,000

Aboriginal youth and artists interact through workshops, mentorships and youth engagement projects. First Peoples’ Cultural Council, a provincial Crown corporation mandated to assist First Nations in revitalizing their languages, arts and cultures, will implement the program in partnership with BCAC.

Learn more about eligibility and how to apply at:

Early Career Development Program – $600,000

Early Career Development focuses on career opportunities for young professionals seeking employment in the arts. Professionals under age 30 or with less than five years’ experience can apply for to assistance to build their careers in the arts or arts administration. This program includes opportunities for residencies, internships or mentorships.

Learn more about eligibility and how to apply at:

For more information about the BC Arts Council, visit:

For more details about BC Creative Futures, visit:

Learn more about the BC Touring Council at:

Explore programs offered by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council at:


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