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Home » xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ given B.C. Reconciliation Award

Posted: May 25, 2021

xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ given B.C. Reconciliation Award

The Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the BC Achievement Foundation have announced that the Ktunaxa Nation Council’s ‘xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ’ project, or ‘Many Ways of Doing the Same Thing’ is a recipient of the inaugural British Columbia Reconciliation Award.

The award recognizes ‘individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, integrity, respect, and commitment to furthering Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in the province of British Columbia, or inspired others to continue Reconciliation efforts.’

“The advisory committee for xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ defined reconciliation as opening conversational space to Indigenous voice,” said Dr. Christopher Horsethief, co-principal investigator on the project. “Ktunaxa voices were once silenced in areas such as education, health care and child-care. This project is bringing these voices back.”

This was the first year the British Columbia Reconciliation Awards were presented.

In addition to xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ, two other organizations and six individuals were also presented with the award.

Last month, the xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ project was also the recipient of a $950,000 grant from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.

Ktunaxa Nation

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