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Posted: February 19, 2015

RDEK Board Highlights

RDEK wallThe following is a breakdown of what occurred during the Feb. 6 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors meeting.

10-Year Service Award

RDEK Board Chair and Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay presented Kevin Paterson  (pictured above) with a 10-year service award. Kevin started with the RDEK as a contractor, providing expertise on invasive plants before becoming the Recreation and Control Services Supervisor. He is currently the Manager of the Environmental Services Department.

Columbia Valley Density Averaging Regulations

Bylaw No. 2559, which proposed new zoning regulations for the Columbia Valley concerning the lot size averaging provisions of the Bare Land Strata Regulations, was defeated after the board considered the input received at a public hearing held on February 2. The board then directed staff to prepare a bylaw prohibiting lot size averaging in the Columbia Valley; it is anticipated that this new bylaw will be considered by the board for initial readings at its regular meeting in April.

Koocanusa Crown Land Recreation

RDEK KoocRecThe board received the report entitled Koocanusa Area Situational Analysis and Recommendations for Crown Land Recreation and authorized staff to continue working with the RDEK’s project partners on Crown land recreation issues in the area. The report was prepared by a consultant under the direction of the province, Ktunaxa Nation Council, Columbia Basin Trust and the RDEK after consulting with government agencies, residents and visitors. The report contains 23 recommendations to help manage Crown land recreation around the reservoir.

Fairmont Creek Debris Flow Mitigation construction contract awarded

The Fairmont Creek Debris Flow Mitigation Phase 1 Construction contract was awarded to Max Helmer Construction Ltd. Phase 1 of the project will cover the length of the creek through the Mountainside Golf Course between Marble Canyon and the pond on Hole 12. Construction is expected to begin this spring.

Board Meeting Date Change—2015

The RDEK Board of Directors Meeting that had been scheduled for June 26 has been rescheduled to July 3. Remaining board meeting dates for 2015: March 6; April 10; May 1; May 29; July 3; August 7; September 4; October 2; November 6; December 4.

Columbia Valley Conservation Fund 2015 projects approved

The following projects have been approved for funding from the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund for 2015:

– Columbia Lake Lot 48 Ecosystem Restoration – $24,564;

– Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program
- $11,000;

LWA LakeWaterTest– Northern Leopard Frog Reintroduction
- $29,767.50;

– Kootenay Community Bat Project – $15,807;

– Strategic Invasive Plant Control—Leafy Spurge
- $5,000;

– Water Quality / Quantity Monitoring (Lake Windermere) – $11,000;

– Climate & Water Conservation Action Initiative
 – $25,000;

– Groundwater Monitoring (Lake Windermere Watershed)
- $3,100;

– Columbia Lake Ecosystem Monitoring & Education – $12,035;

– Ecological Goods and Services – $7,500.

In addition, the board approved the Kootenay Conservation Program’s 2015 budget for the administration of the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund Program.

Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth
Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth

Booth appointed to Drinking Water Committee

Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth has been appointed as the RDEK representative to the Kootenay- Boundary Drinking Water Advisory Committee. Electoral Area G Director Gerry Wilkie will serve as her alternate on the committee.

West Fernie Servicing & Infrastructure Project update

The board has given the first three readings to the service establishment and loan authorization bylaws for the West Fernie Servicing & Infrastructure Project and has submitted them to the Ministry for approval. In addition, the RDEK has asked the province to dissolve the West Fernie Waterworks District and transfer all assets associated with the water system to the RDEK. These steps are all required as part of the Upgrade Project and eventual incorporation of West Fernie into the City of Fernie.

Application to WildSafeBC

An application has been submitted to the 2015 WildSafeBC Program to provide a Community Coordinator in Electoral Areas F and G. The program is designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education, innovation and cooperation.

Letter of thanks

A letter will be sent to the Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition thanking them for the work they do for the benefit of Southern Interior communities.

RDEK board to be declared Trail Champions

The RDEK Board will be declared as ‘Regional Champions’ of the Trans Canada Trail through the Kootenays and will commit to promoting involvement by participating in trail related events, including the July 1, 2017 full connection event.

FozzyFestleadSpecial Event Licence granted

The Board of Directors has approved a Special Event Licence that includes a number of conditions around hours, insurance, and reimbursement for the FozzyFest 2015 celebration to be held at the Big Springs Campground September 17 to 20.

Discretionary Grants-in-Aid (DGIA)

– The Clear Sky Centre will receive $750 from the Electoral Area B DGIA account and $750 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account to go towards their Holistic Management and Innovative Land Stewardship Workshop Scholarships.

5-Year Financial Plan

The RDEK’s Draft Five Year Financial Plan is open for public comment. Copies of the 5-Year Financial Plan are available at our Cranbrook & Columbia Valley RDEK offices, on our website at and can be mailed to you. The comment period closes on Wednesday, March 4. If you have questions about the 5-Year Financial plan including highlights of the budget, how it will impact your area, and more, contact our Chief Financial Officer Shawn Tomlin. Get a copy of the plan, review it, ask questions and give us your feedback! We want to hear from you.

Public meetings

– Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Committee  – March 13 —Time TBA

Next board meetings

Thursday, March 5 – Committee Meetings TBA

Friday, March 6 – RDEK Board Meeting 9 a.m.

For more information, please visit our website: or follow us on Facebook and let the news come to you:

Lead image by Loree Duczek/RDEK


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