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Posted: April 11, 2016

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the April 4 District of Sparwood council meeting.


Off Road Vehicle Bylaw

sparwoodlogoCouncil gave first three readings to Off-Road Vehicle Bylaw No. 1182, 2016. This bylaw will extend the areas prohibiting the use of off-road vehicles within district boundaries and address the provincial Off-Road Vehicle Act. The increased restricted use area will include the golf course and campground area, Middletown development, Sparwood Drive, the new trails along the east bank of the Elk River, and along Matevic Road up until the district road right-of-way preventing easy access to areas already within the restricted area, including the Disc Golf course and BC Hydro right-of-way. A map comparing the existing restricted areas to the proposed restricted areas is available at the District Office.


Audited financial statements

David Adams of Adams Wooley Chartered Professional Accountants provided council with an overview of the district’s financial position prior to their approval of Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015. The financial statements will be included in the 2015 Annual Report when it is published in June.

Vantage Point Signs

Council resolved not to renew of the temporary sign permit from Coal Town Properties (the “applicant”) for signs located at 1302 Highway 3, 6000 Highway 43, and 1800 Sparwood Heights Drive. However, council did allow the applicant six months to prepare a comprehensive sign plan for the development before they would be required to remove the signs. During this time, staff shall be working with the applicant and any other parties with an interest in the Whiskey Jack development to establish a comprehensive sign plan for the development.

Bus cameras and reader boards

Council authorized staff to purchase two speed reader boards and two bus camera systems for use in the Sparwood area.

– The selection of the locations for the speed reader boards, in consultation with the RCMP, will be determined by where the greatest effort to reduce vehicle speeding is needed in Sparwood.

– Staff will work with School District No. 5 and the RCMP to establish procedures for education and enforcement of a pilot program to monitor drivers who are not stopping for buses picking up or dropping off children.

The purchase of the equipment is 100% funded through Municipal Insurance Association BC Risk Grants.

Sparwood Old Age Pensioners Society

sparwoodtownhallCouncil approved a request from the Sparwood Old Age Pensioners Society (SOAPS) for the use of district facilities and a $400 donation to host a luncheon and afternoon entertainment for Sparwood residents in conjunction with Seniors Week and Sparwood’s 50th Anniversary celebrations on June 1. SOAPS will be bringing in Saskia and Darrel “The Great Plains” a duo team providing music, humour, and storytelling.

Sparwood Public Library

Council approved in-kind support to the Sparwood Public Library Association, by way of contract management expertise from the District’s Building Official or other qualified staff, for the roof replacement project. The Library Board has raised the necessary funds to replace the building roof but were requesting professional support and advice with the project management.

East Kootenay Zone Mine Rescue Competition

Mayor Cal McDougall was authorized to attend the 95th East Kootenay Zone Annual Mine Rescue and First Aid Competition in Elkford on Saturday, May 14 with the Awards Banquet taking place at the Fernie Community Centre, following the competition. This year’s competition will take place at SMS on Intata Road, Elkford, starting at 8 a.m.

In other news

Street sweeping

The district spring street sweeping program is underway! The sweeper truck is out removing sanding material and debris that has accumulated on municipal roads and boulevards from the winter road maintenance.

Conditions around the equipment performing these tasks are extremely dusty and limited visibility for the operators. Motorists should exercise caution when approaching or passing the equipment.

Residents are asked to refrain from parking on streets, boulevards, and medians while the sweeper is in the area as we rely on the cooperation of vehicle owners to complete these activities.

Building permits & inspections

The Planning department administers the Building and Zoning Bylaws and oversees building permits for new construction, renovations, alterations, additions, and changes in occupancy of existing buildings.

The District would like to remind citizens that building permits ensure that the work is in compliance with all codes and safety standards. The work will be inspected by the District’s Building Official.

Our bylaws can be found online at If you are unsure about whether a building permit is required, please contact the Planning Department at 250-425-6271.

Community events

Clean-up Sparwood 2016 – April 23 from 9 a.m. – noon.

Sparwood cleanupWear old clothes and gather with your club, workplace, or family to help clean up Sparwood!

From April 18 – April 23, we are once again looking for volunteers to help clean up

Sparwood from the garbage accumulated over the winter as part of PITCH-IN CANADA WEEK, a national campaign to clean up the environment.

We want to show environmental leadership and instill pride in the beauty of our community. By picking up garbage and litter we will become more aware of what’s being thrown away, what could have been recycled and we’ll also have a better understanding of the consequences of littering.

Our big clean-up day will be April 23 from 9 a.m. –12 p.m. We will have more information available in the next few weeks but there will be a staging area at the East Kootenay Community Credit Union Sparwood Branch where you will be supplied with garbage bags, gloves, and high-vis vests (if desired). After the clean-up there will be BBQ, provided by Lilac Terrace, for all participants. The BBQ will also be available to the public as part of a fundraiser for Lilac Terrace.

Any group or individual that registers before April 15 will be entered into a draw. For more information or to register, contact Jessica Wheeler at 250-425-6829 or email [email protected].

All community groups and individuals are encouraged to participate!

B.C. Arts & Culture Week

SparGreenwoodA Taste of Sparwood Sunday, April 17 from 1-4 p.m. at Greenwood Mall. A great afternoon outing for the whole family! Come out for an afternoon of fun and adventure as community groups and businesses offer you tastes from around the world. Vendors will have charges for their food – entertainment is free for your enjoyment.

Duelling Pianos in the Groovy ‘60s – Causeway Bay Hotel on Friday, April 22. Doors open 7 p.m.; event is 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. Come as yourself or dress up for the ‘60s! Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes! Adults only (19+) Tickets available at Causeway Bay front desk or from the Sparwood Arts Council.

Afternoon Tea & Art Auction – Emerald Room at Causeway Bay Sunday, April 24. First seating: 12 – 1:45 p.m.; second Seating: 2:30 – 4:15 p.m. Door Prizes plus a 50/50 draw Come visit the art display by local artists. Bid on your favourite pieces and help a local charity.

Art display and auction is in the Red Cedar Room all week long from April 16 – 24. Tickets available at Causeway Bay front desk or through an Arts Council member. Proceeds going to local charities. For more information on any of these events please contact Rose Sharma at 250-425-6900.

Upcoming district meetings

– Regular Meeting in Council Chambers on Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m.

– Special Meeting – Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Public Input Meeting on Wednesday, April 20 at 1 p.m.

– Committee of the Whole Meeting in Council Chambers on Monday, April 25 at 1 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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