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Home » Fencing around Phillips Reservoir damaged

Posted: June 10, 2021

Fencing around Phillips Reservoir damaged

Fencing is an important tool the City of Cranbrook uses to protect our drinking water supply which comes from the Phillips Reservoir, located south of the city.

Over the past couple of weeks, the barbed wire fencing around the area was deliberately cut allowing access to the reservoir both by the public and nearby cattle herds grazing in designated areas within Crown land.

It is vitally important that individuals recreating in the Crown land areas around the Phillips Reservoir to please stay out of the reservoir and nearby water ways to protect our drinking water supply. Please do not cut the fence to access the property, which also allows the cattle easy access to your drinking water.

“We are committed to the delivery of safe and desirable drinking water to all our residents and businesses. It is something we take very seriously,” said Jason Perrault, Public Works Manager with the City of Cranbrook. “This type of careless act can easily jeopardize the quality of your drinking water. Please leave the fence alone and please stay out of the reservoir property.”

For more information about our drinking water system, including what we do to ensure the best water quality possible for you.

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City of Cranbrook

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