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Home » Get real – venting index?

Posted: December 4, 2016

Get real – venting index?

Letter to the Editor

What kind of joke are you trying to pull off with the advert for City of Cranbrook – Venting Index?

Is there adherence to a venting index for any of the operators of commercial transport trucks, idling their 12+ liter tractors, and their trailer mounted reefer units, or the diesel locomotives on the CPR tracks, or the senseless people who park and idle their engines while waiting for somebody, or those drivers spending five or 10 or more minutes idling in fast food line-ups??

Get real people, there are many more noxious exhausts pouring into the atmosphere in your community… and you think that people who heat with wood should be considerate of their neighbours by “observing a venting index” before they light up to stay comfortable?

If you want to run a campaign advert… do it on a cause worthy of print… the emissions from everybody’s tail pipe is a better place to spend ink.

DW Simpkins,


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