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Home » Unlocked vehicles remain tempting targets: RCMP

Posted: June 5, 2018

Unlocked vehicles remain tempting targets: RCMP

While the Cranbrook community is asleep in bed, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, thieves continue to target unlocked vehicles.

Cranbrook RCMP reported June 5 that officers have been kept busy investigating thefts from vehicles.

“Ninety-nine per cent of the time, thieves are targeting unlocked vehicles and taking random items from within including identification, change, jackets and whatever other items fit into a back pack,” noted Cst. Katie Forgeron.

This morning, Cranbrook RCMP was called by a resident to advise of a suspicious male. RCMP members were able to quickly locate the suspect, and after placing him under arrest, located many items that had been stolen over the course of a few hours.

“We were lucky that a citizen noticed this person and called the police. We were able to recover many items including a passport,” Cst. Forgeron said.

Cranbrook RCMP is asking people to confirm before they retire for the night that their vehicles are locked and important items brought inside.

Lead image: All in a days work. Items uncovered by RCMP in today’s arrest. Cranbrook RCMP photo


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