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Posted: January 9, 2012

Sparwood Council Facts

MP addresses council

David Wilks, MP Kootenay-Columbia, Jan. 3 provided District of Sparwood council an overview of the Federal Government’s priorities.  Highlights of his speech included updates on various bills and their status as they move through the House of Commons and Senate.

Fire Department

Fire Chief, Jim Jones presented council with a department overview and budget review for 2011 and 2012.  Budget items for 2012 include: Fire interface mitigation and pine beetle control; Pre-fire plan; updates; Turnout gear washer and installation; Turnout gear replacement program; SCBA masks; Roof repairs to Fire Hall #2; Painting at Fire Hall #1.

Recreation Department

Duane Lawrence, Director of Community and Facility Services provided council with an overview and budget review for 2011 and 2012 for his department.  Budget items for 2012 include: Replacement of the play centre in the pool area; Equipment upgrading to the fitness centre;  Planning an upgrade to the ice plant; Completion of the washrooms and installation of benches and picnic tables at the Water Park; Expansion to the bike park; Expansion and upgrading of trails around the district.

Community projects for 2012 include:

Mountain bike trail development; A community gazebo (Lions Society); Bike park expansion; Aquatic play centre retrofit.

2012 Grant Funded projects include:

Leisure Centre Energy Retrofit $570,000; Tree Planting Community Beautification Project $40,000; Disc Golf Course Development $30,000;Seniors Centre Food Security Project $25,200; Sparwood Seniors Independence Project $31,080; Operational Fuel Treatment Program $103,350.

Public Works Department

Mel Bohmer, Director of Operations presented his department’s overview and budget review for 2011 and 2012 to Council.  Budget items for the Public Works Department include: Continued flushing and camera work and infrastructure assessment; Well pump maintenance; Replace telehandler at the Transfer Station; Replace two pickup trucks; Public Works yard gas pump upgrade; Cold storage building upgrades; Ground force training program; Red Cedar drainage; Public Works shop drainage pit; Scada system upgrades.

Planning and Engineering Department

Danny Dwyer, Director of Planning and Engineering provided council with the Planning and Engineering Department overview and budget items for 2011 and 2012.  Project highlights include: Land Development; New Hotel;  1330 Whitewood Crescent (Phase II); 1390 Cypress;  Industrial  Mountain Ash Crescent;2012 Paving Program; Opening Ceremonies for two new bridges and Spray Park; Pine/Spruce/Tamarack Services (November); Flood Protection (New Trail); Community Questionnaire; Asset Management; Sustainability Committee; Water Smart Initiative; ICIS Grant – Student; GIS (notices, water meters).

Finance Department

Barbara Nunes, Director of Finance provided council with an overview of the operations of the Finance Department.  The Finance Department is responsible for: Receiving all money paid to the municipality; Ensuring the keeping of all funds and securities of the municipality; Investing municipal funds, until required, in authorized investments; Expending municipal money in the manner authorized by the council; Ensuring that accurate records and full accounts of the financial affairs of the municipality are prepared, maintained and kept safe;  Exercising control and supervision over all other financial affairs of the municipality; Human resources;  Information technology (other than fibre optics); Risk management; Carbon neutrality.

Corporate Administration

Raeleen Manjak, Director of Corporate Services outlined the responsibilities of the Corporate Services Department.  Projects and action items for 2012 include: Communities Adapting to Climate Change Initiative Grant proposal funding application; Cemetery Consolidation Bylaw; Housing Needs and Demand Assessment Strategy; Information and Privacy Review; bylaw rewrite and policy development; Municipal Ticketing Bylaw rewrite; District of Sparwood Policy review; Records Management Review; bylaw and policy rewrite; Continued work on Regional Business Licensing Initiative with the communities of Elkford and Fernie

Chief Administrative Officer

Terry Melcer, CAO provided council with an overview of the functions of the Chief Administrative Officer and 2012 projects.  Major projects that are being carried forward from 2011 include: Commercial lot sales to Schickedanz Properties (BC) Ltd.; P & H Mine Pro – lot sale; Officers and Officials Bylaw (bring current); Housing Needs and Demand Study; Various policy reviews.

Concepts for 2012 Budget discussions: Dedicated Economic Development contract for marketing the district; Expansion of the Tax Revitalization program for the downtown core and development of design guidelines, to feed into the Official Community Plan.

Other highlights – 2012

Collective Bargaining with CUPE likely to commence end of 2012. New Teck Office building location to be determined.

Upcoming meetings (In council chambers)

–          Monday, January 16, 2012 Regular Meeting

–          Monday, January 30, 2012 Committee of the Whole Meeting

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