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Home Ā» Norden the Magician performing in Invermere

Posted: July 10, 2012

Norden the Magician performing in Invermere

Strangeā€¦but trueā€¦or is it magic? Actually itā€™s conjuring and Norden the Magician is one of the best. And he is coming to your public library.

On Thursday, July 19 at 10 a.m., Norden will be performing at Christ Church Trinity in Invermere. This free event is part of a Boundary/Kootenay Summer Reading Club Tour sponsored by the Invermere Public Library and the Kootenay Library Federation.

Norden has a long track record of entertaining, encouraging self-esteem and the importance of reading for children. He runs an anti-bullying program in Vancouver area schools and a literacy program at libraries, which he incorporates magic into.

Last July the Canadian Association of Magicians awarded Norden Childrenā€™s Magician of the Year for 2011. He has also won awards from the Pacific Coast Association of Magicians and the Vancouver Magic Circle.

Every summer he takes his ā€œlibraryā€ show on the road, this year he will be performing at 72 libraries across the province. Magic and comedy, the perfect way to celebrate the province-wide Summer Reading Clubā€™s theme, ā€˜Strangeā€¦but true.ā€™

Put a little magic into your childā€™s life; take them to see Norden the Magician.Ā  For more information about Nordenā€™s Show or the Summer Reading Club, phone your library at 250-342-6416 or visit their website at


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