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Home » Grizzly on their doorstep

Posted: September 6, 2015

Grizzly on their doorstep

WildSafeBC Elk Valley reports that Lower Elk River Road residents had a close encounter with a grizzly bear last night and early this morning.

griz in windowResident Susan Hanlon said on Facebook that two 1.5-year-old grizzlies entered their garage and garden and captured a photo of one looking in a glass door.

“Not too scared of the dogs either,” Hanlon noted, adding, “Just be on the alert in the lower road and take your dog/cat food inside.”

WildSafeBC Elk Valley reported there were no attractants at the residence but there are elsewhere in the neighborhood.

“Removing bears doesn’t solve the problem, as long as the attractants are there expect more bears to come in after easy food until hibernation time (usually late November),” WildSafeBC Elk Valley stated.

“Relocation seldom works. Bears don’t survive well in new habitat or make their way back to communities. Don’t blame the Conservation Officers who have the unfortunate task of destroying bears. We are to blame, if we have garbage out, apples or other attractants on our properties or know of someone who does and won’t take the time to help them or as a last resort call the bylaw officer.”

Garbage, apple trees, birdseed and pet food etc. attracts bears to your property and neighbourhood making it more likely for the bear to break into your home creating a safety risk for your family and a death sentence for the bear.

Remove whatever has attracted bears to your property and if it is safe to do so scare the bear off, bang pots and pans together, use an air horn or any loud noisemaker.

Call 1-877-952-7277 to report human/wildlife conflict.


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