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Home » Mayoral candidate views temporary sign removal as good thing

Posted: October 13, 2011

Mayoral candidate views temporary sign removal as good thing

Where did Wayne Stetski’s election signs for Mayor of Cranbrook go?

Stetski and his team erected his signs in strategic locations around the city after depositing his nomination papers for mayor on the morning of October 4, which was the first opportunity to do so.

He was eager to get this important campaign under way and had been told by the Chief Electoral Officer that candidates were free to erect their signs as soon as they had formally deposited their nomination information.

On October 7, while on the way to Calgary to be Master of Ceremonies at a niece’s wedding, Wayne received a call from one of his supporters to say that she had been viewing a candidate for council’s website and the candidate had received a letter from the city stating that campaign signs should not be going up until October 12. This is based on a city bylaw.

Mr. Stetski had not yet received a letter but he immediately asked members of his campaign team who weren’t out of town for the holiday weekend, to take down his signs. Upon his return from Calgary on Sunday, October 9, he personally drove around town to ensure that they were all removed.

“I apologize that this happened,” said Stetski. “I’ve always believed that if you make a mistake, regardless of how it happened, you need to own it, apologize for it, learn from it, and then make sure that it never happens again. I intend to take that same honesty and transparency into being the Mayor of Cranbrook.

“I was also pleased to see that the city is enforcing its own bylaws. This principle is one that I strongly believe in, as there is no point in having bylaws that you don’t enforce. This results in nothing but frustration for our citizens.”

Stetski said that his signs were back up on October 12.

Tomorrow is the final day for would-be mayoral or council candidates to submit their nomination papers.


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