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Home » Public Works to remove trees at RV Park

Posted: March 17, 2015

Public Works to remove trees at RV Park

Between seven and 10 trees are slated for removal from the Mount Baker RV Park in Cranbrook, ahead of the park’s official opening for the season on April 1.

City of Cranbrook Public Works crews will be working to remove these trees over the next couple of days.

Three poplars have been found with advanced rot and it is only a matter of time before the trees fall under their own weight. The remaining trees slated for removal are fir trees with multiple trunk cracks, have little live foliage left, face repeated insect attack and suffer stress from the compacted soils in the park.

Because of the permanent use of many of the sites at the Mount Baker RV Park, the risk of property damage and public safety is high should one of these trees fail.

City of Cranbrook

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