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Home » Residents displaced in fire given extra help

Posted: November 10, 2014

Residents displaced in fire given extra help

Number of local social service organizations involved

A number of local social service organizations were busy over the weekend working to help some 15 residents displaced temporarily due to last Thursday’s apartment fire on 1st Street South in Cranbrook.

The Restoration Company is working diligently on decontaminating the apartment building and cleaning the smoke damaged belongings of the residents, which is expected to take another week or more to complete. The goal is to have the residents returned to the building as soon as possible. As such the Emergency Social Services (ESS), Salvation Army, Ktunaxa Nation Street Angels and the Canadian Red Cross are working together to place those affected residents in temporary lodging and provide for their basic needs during this time.

The City of Cranbrook wishes to thank the Salvation Army, Emergency Social Services (ESS), the Ktunaxa Nation Street Angels and the Canadian Red Cross for all their organization and efforts in assisting those residents affected find places to stay and help to get them back on their feet.

A very special thank you also goes to the Heritage Inn and its staff for opening their doors to those displaced residents. At this time, no material or financial donations are needed.

The City of Cranbrook also thanks Father Peter Tomkins and Bishop John Corriveau of the Catholic Diocese of Nelson for their generous offer of Marywood as a temporary residence for the people displaced by the apartment fire.

– Lead image by Chad St. Pierre

City of Cranbrook

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