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Posted: February 6, 2016

3 facts you need to know

About Forestry Skills Boot Camp

billbennetthorizBy Bill Bennett

Kootenay East MLA

1. The Skills for Jobs Blueprint is the provincial government’s plan for matching people up with the right skills to meet a known labour market demand. Government funded the forestry skills training program for 24 local people at a cost of $700,000.

2. Students took 17 weeks of intensive training through College of the Rockies in plant and tree identification, silviculture, brush and chain saw operation, First Aid, leadership, work-place safety. All skills training is designed to meet or exceed the expectations of employers.

3. After the classroom and field training, students (pictured above) were given short-term job placements to get some experience. Employers reported high satisfaction with the level of knowledge of the students. All students are expected to find full time jobs.

This message funded by Bill Bennett

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