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Home » Horoscope for the Week beginning Sept. 19

Posted: September 21, 2014

Horoscope for the Week beginning Sept. 19

Michael OConnorBy Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week

Autumn Equinox occurs on September 22 at 7:29 p.m. PDT. This exact moment coincides with the Sun entering the Sign of Libra. It is also symbolic of the setting Sun, thus the notion of ‘Fall’ equating to the more official term, Autumn. The seasonal ‘signs’ of nature linked to the position of the Sun in the sky and the length of the hours of daylight, which are equal to the hours of darkness, thus the ‘equi’ in the word, reveal the annual cycle. So, the final season of the year has begun.

In this the Year of the Wood Horse in Chinese Astrology, which is symbolic of accelerated growth, we can certainly see that the times are changing. The horse in Western Astrology translates to Gemini and Libra from the ‘lunar’ perspective and Sagittarius and Aries from the ‘solar’ perspective. Depicting our times with this metaphor, we might hear the loud thunder of hooves with a great herd of steeds in full gallop. As romantic as it might be to depict wild horses, each of these are mounted battle horses each carrying a soldier. Neither is this a simple battle of two opposing sides, here we see many armies in full offensive assault and none altogether clear about why they are actually at war.

And as honorable as it might be to see noble generals guiding their troops to righteous victory, what we all too often intuit is the maneuvers of unscrupulous ambition and not leading courageous soldiers, but pawns in their murderous game. Words like corruption, deceit, shame, guile, divisiveness, psychopathic insanity and so on constitute the descriptive list and you may have many of your own you would like to ad. And we do not have to look across borders and oceans to see the results of visionless ambition and elitism posing as leadership where genuine integrity and service truly belong.

This is not to say it is all bad. After all, we are souls incarnate each possessing a divine spark of light and our intuitions tell us that this same light animates nature from the cosmic to the molecular and everything in between. We can probably say with a healthy measure of confidence that 99% of the population is basically good; well maybe 98%. Yet, there is mass confusion because the divine matrix of nature has been replaced with an artificial one because it produces profit, yet the sort that actually amounts to deficit.

Most people have heard the Chinese Proverb, “May you live in interesting times.” Ours may be better described as confusing, perplexing, divisive, fragmenting, and annihilating and so on. Of course, light will always overcome darkness, which is simply the apparent absence of it. Now would be a good time for us to each awaken to and activate the light that we are. Astrology is a well-suited to activate this authentic spark because it is a natural psychology based on the laws of nature. If you feel you would like some insight and guidance to reveal the light of your purpose for being here, please contact me – I am confident I can help.

Sept. 19 – 25

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

A busy cycle over the past weeks has seen you pushing hard on a few fronts. This has likely stirred a bit of drama. As this week progresses, you will want to achieve a better balance. Giving more than you might usually or feel you want to will continue however. Yet the same may be said of significant others giving to you as well. Balance equals fair.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

You have been on a roll these past weeks. Keeping the momentum is possible but will require more effort. With your confidence levels on a steady rise these days you are in a good position to persevere successfully. When our enthusiasm levels are high others are inclined to take advantage, however. Invite open communication and remain on higher ground.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

HorogeminiFollowing through on cleaning, clearing and getting your affairs in order will prove important this week. Yet, your focus is shifting to weave in more social time, fun play and perhaps some romance too. Cultural activities at least will suffice and inspire. The coming few weeks stand to be extra exciting with lots of places to go and people to meet.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Despite a busy flow publically and/or professionally, your main focus these days is on the home front. Future considerations linked to financial needs, concerns and interests are prompting you to take a few risks and to reach out more. Meanwhile, family matters are brewing and these will come more fully to the fore before the week is out.

Leo (July 22 – Aug 23)

A busy cycle is poised to begin. This is already an expansive time prompting you to take risks to increase your scope and vision. Yet, paying attention to the details will remain important as well, especially over the next week or two. At deeper levels you are and have been summoned to confront fears of deepening your commitment to the future.

horovirgoVirgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Taking initiatives to enter new territory has and continues to be a central theme. You may be feeling and experiencing tests of faith, in yourself, the times, society and/or the world in general. Circumstances are pushing you to dig deeper somehow. Finding new solutions to current challenges is implied. Be willing to innovate and try new approaches.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

horolibraThe Sun entering your sign will activate the pioneer within. It may take you little longer to get your momentum that you think it should. With your energy levels running high you are in a good position to advance. You have probably already been initiating key communications and activating connections. Take the lead to continue to negotiate agreeable terms.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

An exciting if dramatic period continues, challenging you to maintain the pace. This challenge has likely proven quite tiring mentally, emotionally and physically. Though you may be surrounded by people, there may be no one you feel can lean on. This is a call to step back for a while, to rest and to reach within to access hidden reserves of optimism.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

The first stage of building upon new foundations has begun. What it implies is a process of fortifying what is already there, or what is left. By now, much of what once was has dissolved. Although this process will continue for a while yet, you are beginning to get the first signs of solidity again. Focus to bring this intuition to the level of conscious communication.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Are you ready to make a measurable push in your professional life? A window of opportunity is fast approaching and now is the time to build your momentum. This may require that you clear the way. Whether it is inner blocks like lack of clarity, uncertainty, limiting beliefs and so on or simply the fact that you need to get organized, focus to clear the way to advance.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Your world has been steadily opening up to new horizons, people and modes of expression. This week the beginnings of the next phase will occur. You may even find yourself breaking into new territory. You will be required to rise to meet the challenge of heading into the unknown. Feeling supported to do so will become more important. Ask and you will receive.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A busy period is about to begin for you. It will include training others and/or getting trained. Shared work experiences with others should prove quite satisfying, but may require more effort than expected. A weave of diplomacy and charm will help a lot. You will also begin to re-evaluate how things have been and are working.

Michael O’Connor is a professional astrologer with an international clientele.  He has 30 years of study in Astrology, Numerology and related metaphysical and spiritual modalities, over 20 years of full-time practice, is an entertaining and inspirational speaker, and writes a popular New Moon Newsletter and Horoscope Column. To learn more about Booking an Appointment, attending one of Michael’s Workshops or Webinars or one of his inspiring Visual Presentations, please visit his website or contact Michael directly. or (250) 352-6871 or [email protected]

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