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Home » Your weekly Halo-scopes

Posted: May 10, 2015

Your weekly Halo-scopes

By Brenda Babinski

Weekly Halo-Scopes for May 10 – 16.

Heart of the Reading:

BB ace earthAce of Earth

What excites you? Have you been mulling over a new business idea? Or perhaps you have come up with a great new invention that’s the next best thing to buttered toast. Whatever has been tickling your fancy, exciting your imagination and keeping you awake with possibilities, is the answer you have been looking for. The Ace of Earth says this is it! You will be aptly and generously supported in this undertaking, whatever it may be.


Our Challenge this week:

Four of Air

BB four airSo you are excited? That’s great. But the challenge we are facing is to slow down and consider the possibilities before jumping into anything. Rest, relax… take a staycation or even, I don’t know… MEDITATE. Then see what answers come to you. You have the right idea. Now you need to figure out which way takes you from here to there. Your inner wisdom will not steer you wrong and the way to access that wisdom is to get quiet. (perhaps try MEDITATION)

Our Helper is:


BB unityUnity

We are all in this thing called life, together. Unity reminds us that we don’t have to do everything by ourselves. There are friends, co-workers, associates and family members who would love to lend us a hand. This week is a good time to ask for help. And if you feel like you might be too independent, that you hate to bother, or you don’t need help? Ask anyways. We all love to be helpful, so why not give someone the unique gift of lending you a hand?


Brenda Babinski


Brenda Ann Babinski is a writer, speaker, seeker and award-winning blogger. Her curiosity for all things unseen has led Brenda on a crazy, amazing and sometime downright bizarre journey that she shares at

Contact Brenda at [email protected] or call 778-214-2341 for private consultation.  Don’t forget to Like her on Facebook, for your daily Halo:

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