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Home » Your weekly Halo-Scopes

Posted: March 8, 2015

Your weekly Halo-Scopes

By Brenda Babinski

Your Halo-Scopes for the week of March 8 – 14.

The luck o’the Irish is coming early. At the heart of the coming week:

BB Ace of ArielAce of Ariel

We stumble along, hoping that March’s lion will finally become that gentle lamb of Spring, when suddenly we find it. It’s the end of the rainbow. And there’s a friggin’ pot of gold waiting for us! The Ace of Ariel heralds in our changing of fortunes as we receive gifts of money, time and support in our epic quest for the perfect life. It’s a great week to expect the very best, because that is what is coming our way.

Challenging our quest:

BB AceofMikeAce of Michael

As all of this wonderful help arrives, so too will the million dollar ideas. Of course, where there are big ideas, there always seem to be corresponding big bumps in the road. Beware miscommunications and don’t be misled by somebody else’s good intentions. They only think they know what’s in your best interest. Take whatever free advice comes your way and add a great big grain of salt. The only real expert on you, is YOU.

Our Helper this week is:


BB Five RaphaelFive of Raphael

Finally the silver lining! Everything in life happens for a reason, and this week we finally get to understand what those reasons are. Understanding brings healing. Once we are healed we can finally move forward. Appreciate that lady luck has shown up and begin to see that everything really has worked out perfectly. And if you look for the silver lining you will always find it.



Brenda Babinski– Brenda Ann Babinski is a writer, speaker, seeker and award-winning blogger. Her curiosity for all things unseen has led Brenda on a crazy, amazing and sometime downright bizarre journey that she shares at

Contact Brenda at [email protected] or call 778-214-2341 for private consultation.  Don’t forget to Like her on Facebook, for your daily Halo:

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