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Posted: May 16, 2015

Where are the men of honour?

MethatwayKootenay Crust

By Ian Cobb

I used to think the generation gap that was a zillion miles wide between my generation and that of my parents was a thing of the past.

My generation created and listens to cool music our kids dig; and we have raised our kids with a full on spare the rod and spoil the child bent. We gave them the Internet and the three TV channels we watched as children is now unlimited in scope for our kids.

What I am starting to notice is a growing trend toward rudeness. Perhaps it is the detachment from tactile society via the Internet that is causing our children and their children to act like snide dinks who don’t care a twitch about how their words or actions will impact others. The Internet chat site troll is becoming more common beyond cyberspace.

On one hand we have a growing segment of people in our society concerned about bullying and efforts are being made to curb that vile behavior.

And on the other hand we have a growing segment in our society who don’t think twice about being mind-bendingly insensitive and stupid; the loud mouth fad slogan shouter.

Case-in-point: City News reporter Shauna Hunt was recently assailed outside a Toronto soccer game by drunken morons being disgusting. Devoid of any sobriety or useful intelligence, some people think it is okay to shout “f*** her right in the p****! (FHRITP)” when television reporters are doing their thing on scene.

In this case, after already hearing it, Hunt turned to a group of young men off camera and asked them if they were waiting for their chance to shout FHRITP.

Two of the five tools took the bait and proceeded to graphically shame themselves as Hunt kept rolling.

A day later, one of the two sexually harassing fools lost his job. A nation laughed and cheered while back in the shadows, cretins and pigdogs gulped mightily and vowed to try and keep their mouths shut in the future.

This is a classic example of what happens when you stand up to bullies and it is also indicative of why our society is where it is.

That this ‘trend’ perpetrated (mostly) by drunken lads with far more testosterone than brain cells or abilities to hold their liquor was started as a so-called hoax meme over a year ago, says all one needs to know. This ‘trend’ didn’t even begin with some ‘daring’ (see also: twerp asshole in need of a beating) shot-bombing a television reporter and gaining seven seconds of so-called fame. It was something spoon-fed to the naïve nimrods via cyberspace and look at ‘em now! What towering figures to look up to, eh kids?

Bigmouths are no different than bullies; they are bullies through and through. If one has it in him or her to talk smack and showcase their sorry intellectual limitations, they might as well be making threats.

For the life of me, I can’t understand how anyone would think such behavior is funny. And worse, I don’t understand why bigmouthed fools aren’t slapped silly by their friends, who they are shaming along with themselves.

Analyze the video of Hunt confronting the fools. What do you see? There are five laughing guys; including Biff and his lil buddy Weiner, the recently fired fella who really seemed to be struggling to hold his booze (light weight soccer fans). As Hunt confronts them, the other three fellas sidle out of shot, not wanting to be included in the public shaming-to-be.

Those three are what is wrong with our society; the quiet chickenbleeps who sit there and do nothing or condone such behavior with their silent acceptance in allowing it to happen, even though it is borderline criminal and 200% wrong.

Boys and men, how would you feel if someone spoke like that to (insert any female family member or friend’s name here), while you were in earshot. Many of you would surely need some cleansing and stitches for your knuckles. Others would tuck into the noisy fool and verbally berate them.

Yet, groups of young men continue to cause havoc even though it is only a few of them causing all the chaos. Most laugh and shrug the terrible behavior off by saying, “ahh it’s just Spike/Weiner. He’s always doing that stuff.”

First: That’s the kind of character you want as a friend?

Second: Did this ‘friend’ remove your nuts?

Third: Think about your mom or sister(s) or girlfriend. Think about how you’d appreciate the honourable and right thing being done if one of those beloved to you got into such a situation with a drunken asshole.

Where the bloody hell is the honour among men in our society nowadays?

It used to be the right thing to do to help someone being bullied or senselessly attacked.

Social media has got such a massive grip on so many people, especially those below the age of 35, that we are truly experiencing sweeping changes in how society intermingles.

While social media can savagely shame people, it can also brutally damage the innocent. One can take a funny or uncompromising photo of any innocent and undeserving person and add a few words and slap it on Facebook or Twitter where it is shared until it becomes viral and before you can say FHRITP, the damage to said person is done. It’s happened.

What needs to happen more – and I am looking at you gentlemen – is for more MEN to stand up and say “that’s enough of that then.”

Most bullies are cowards when confrontation arrives. They laugh and try to wave it all off as just a joke, like those morons in Hunt’s video.

Had a fellow, or even a scrappy woman, stepped out of the crowd and grabbed that little snot by the allegorical collar and demanded he apologize to the reporter, it is likely that is what would have happened.

Instead two fools removed all doubt once again and walked away likely believing they are hero biscuits, until at least one of them got to work the next day.

Buddy from Hydro One foul-mouthed himself out of a six figure a year job. Yer mama will be laughing herself into a new name.

Man, the oozing sense of self-entitlement that we 50 and 60-somethings allowed to spring forth from our kids. It sure was on display in Shauna Hunt’s big moment; when a single woman made a statement that will resonate in the ears of the audience that needs to hear it moving forward – men who see no problem in speaking to women in ways they would never want their own mothers or other female loved ones to hear.

Yeah, I get it, this ‘stuff’ began when a couple of Australopithecus males seized upon the intimidating practice of “ook ook ooking” whenever females barely bi-pedaled past in the cave. But all they said was “ook ook ook” and it was generally in good fun. Lots of the girls secretly liked the fact the boys were paying attention to them, rather than using them for bait whenever it was time to dispatch a saber-toothed tiger. It was a sideways compliment.

Somewhere over the last two million years, despite evolution, the male of our species still thinks it is funny to vomit classless, degrading noise at women.

It’s part of the angry young man thing; it’s part of a mass brainwashing perpetrated by communication mediums we are building faster than the masses can understand.

But those are excuses.

There is no excuse for being a loud-mouthed thug.

The shaming that has occurred for the two dumb bastages in Shauna Hunt’s video is a good start.

Evolution. What a concept.

Ooh, look, a nearly rude about Miley Cyrus.

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