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Home » November in the East Kootenay

Posted: December 13, 2015

November in the East Kootenay

November arrives with a healthy and fitting complement of malice.

In its back pocket is the threat of early winter and the resulting grey pall that smothers the world forces people into panic mode; hence survival in a Canadian winter.

Hailing originally from the sub-Arctic blasting zone also known as Winnipeg, ye olde snow fence, I have spent most of my life loathing November. November is like that person in a crowd who, by the sheer lack of fortune, basic intellect and any luck whatsoever, can’t help being a complete butt head. Always says the wrong thing, November. Can’t help itself. Swine month with its swine weather leading to even worse things, most notably January.

And don’t get me going on the darkness. All hail our forefathers here in the East Kootenay who forced us into the Mountain Time Zone, away from that darker, drearier Pacific Time Zone.

Any rate, didn’t get out much in November. It was one of those months that showed up one morning, I went for another cup of coffee and when I came back it was gone. Like that one trip across Saskatchewan several decades ago when I woke up in Manitoba and completely missed the stultifying roll across ole flatty. It’s a good thing but it causes one to pause in sudden alarm.

That’s November for you. On the bright side, literally as of Dec. 21, December is a much cheerier month. But it leads to January and that is a whole new set of toes into the proverbial chair leg.

This month’s photos were captured in fits and jibbers in: Cranbrook, Fort Steele, Wasa, Tata Creek, the Flathead Valley in Montana and Kimberley/Meadowbrook.

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Photos by Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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