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Home » Community Orchestra holding first meeting

Posted: January 8, 2016

Community Orchestra holding first meeting

Do you want to play an instrument but have nobody to play with? Join the new Cranbrook Community Orchestra.

Come out to our first meeting, Wednesday, January 20 at 7 p.m., Laurie Middle School and see if this is for you. Ask questions, meet our Director, David Pasivirta, suggest repertoire, bring your musical friends.

All levels of players are welcome as we want this to be an opportunity for those who are past players, current players and new players.

“This is for people, from beginner to advanced, to have an opportunity to dust off those instruments they used to play way back when or still do but are looking for other people to play with in an organized, weekly manner,” said Shelagh Redecopp, organizer for Cranbrook Community Orchestra.

“One of the most important things for me, with music, is to make sure people feel comfortable with each other, with the director so they can be a little bit vulnerable and create beautiful things together, because that’s what you’re doing,” added musical director Pasivirta.

Instrumentalists we are looking for are all standard orchestral ones: Strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion.

Questions? Call Shelagh at 250-581-0058 or check out our Facebook page.


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