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Home » Playpen launching fundraiser for animal rescue agencies

Posted: February 17, 2013

Playpen launching fundraiser for animal rescue agencies

The Playpen Pet Boarding and Grooming is proud to launch a fundraiser for local animal rescue agencies.  The Playpen has designed and printed ‘In Case of Emergency’ stickers for the windows/doors of pet owner’s homes.  These stickers allow emergency first responders to know that there are pets in the home, in case of an emergency.

The Playpen will be selling these stickers for a donation (minimum $5 each). The fundraiser will continue for approximately nine months and all of the proceeds will go to local animal rescue agencies. We will donate the funds during Fire Prevention week in October 2013.

For more information or to donate contact The Playpen, phone: 250-426-4000, 1545 Industrial Road F1, Cranbrook, .


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