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Posted: October 14, 2015

Election about vitally important issues

By Bill Green,

Kootenay-Columbia candidate for the Green Party of Canada

Bill Green new campaign photo Aug 2015This federal election is about vitally important issues: making the transition to a renewable energy economy, launching effective action on climate change, and eliminating poverty. It is not simply about changing the governing party.

All federal parties are not the same.

The Green Party believes it is more important to eliminate poverty in Canada, especially among seniors and children, rather than focusing exclusively on the middle class.

The Green climate change plan is all about building the economy of the future, unlike the NDP plan, which will entrench old industries. The Green plan provides revenues to government and citizens, rather than speculative profits for industry. Our plan provides stability and predictability, critical factors for investors and energy companies as they make decisions about where to direct their future investments.

The Green Party has a fiscal plan that deals with Canada’s real debt problem – our structural deficit – so we don’t burden our children and future generations with huge debt and far higher taxes.

The Green Party and I are deeply committed to the principle and practice of reconciliation with First Nations. This needs to be founded in respect.

We won’t get proportional representation without a strong Green Party caucus in Parliament to hold the other parties to account on this and other issues. I personally have been working for proportional representation for 15 years. It is a key part of the Green platform.

In this and every riding across Canada, we elect MPs, not the Prime Minister. Poll results are a very poor guide for voting. The only thing we know for certain about polls is that they can be alarmingly wrong – we all know how wrong from recent provincial elections in BC and Alberta. Individual riding polls are even more unreliable.

Since 2011, Canadians have elected four Green Party legislators across the country. Every single one went from less than 10% of the vote in the preceding election to winning their seat in the following election with 40% or more of the vote. We can do that in Kootenay-Columbia.

Green Party leader Elizabeth May is doing an amazing job for Canada. Just think what Elizabeth and I, together with a team of Green MPs, can achieve for you.

This election, don’t waste your vote. Don’t vote out of fear. Don’t vote against the past. Vote with conviction for the positive future you want. Vote Big. Vote Bold. Vote Green.

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