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Home » Knights of Columbus drop the gauntlet

Posted: June 11, 2014

Knights of Columbus drop the gauntlet

The push is on right now to raise money for the restoration of the Water & Electrical Building behind Cranbrook City Hall.

Members of the Cranbrook Heritage Association have been manning fundraising tables at several locations around town. On Saturday, June 7 they were out in the Hot Shots Café parking lot, talking to people and selling bricks and cornerstones to raise money for construction.

Ray Laramee, a member of the Cranbrook Knights of Columbus Lodge No. 1406, presented Cranbrook Heritage Association President Karen Crawford with a $250 cheque. Then he said, “We would like to drop the gauntlet and challenge every organization, lodge and business in town to match or better our contribution.”

Crawford said, “We are so appreciative of this support. If another 30 donors bought $250 roof certificates we would have enough to replace the tarp we presently have on the building with a brand new roof. Ray and the Knights of Columbus have shown me once again why I love living in Cranbrook.”

The fundraising effort of the Cranbrook Heritage Association continues. Donations are being accepted at Hot Shots Café, Kathy’s Kitchen, Lotus Books and Cloverdale Paint. For donors over $25 wanting a tax receipt, donations can be made at Cranbrook City Hall.

“We will be at the Water & Electrical Building on June 21, Sam Steele Day, and invite everyone to stop by, make a donation and leave a comment as to what they think the eventual use of the building might be. And we hope that all of Cranbrook takes the Knights of Columbus challenge to heart and assists us with raising the $40,000 required to restore this small piece of Cranbrook’s past,” Crawford said.

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