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Home » Pat Gilmar presented George Majic Spiritus Award

Posted: December 19, 2015

Pat Gilmar presented George Majic Spiritus Award

By Mary Giuliano

Thirty-three years ago Pat Gilmar envisioned a trail system in Fernie and today he is still building it, but now he is proud to say there are over 300 kilometres of trails.

Pat Gilmar
Pat Gilmar

Monday, December 14, the City of Fernie acknowledged and honoured Pat for his dedication and volunteerism in the building of what has become a huge tourist attraction and economic driver for the community by presenting Pat with the George Majic Spiritus Award.

Pat received several nominations and below are a couple of the comments that were stated by the nominators.

“Pat has been a tireless worker, always in the background; the guy behind the scenes” promoting responsible land use, the outdoor recreation opportunities that exist here in Fernie would not be as advanced as they are nor as responsibly developed with his constant presence.

His efforts although known go largely unsung, he has given countless hours to trail building and mapping mountain bike and ski trails along with volunteering at numerous community events.

His passionate contribution to the trail system is a tremendous benefit to the community and visitors alike; something that makes Fernie great!

We are very grateful for his dedication and commitment to making our community a better place to live.”

The City of Fernie congratulates Pat Gilmar and thanks him for his many years of volunteer service to this community. He truly is an unsung hero who deserves to be recognized for contributing incredible vision and effort required to turn that vision into reality.

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