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Posted: August 10, 2015

Seal coating program gets underway

More than a dozen roads and cul-de-sacs uptown and a dozen downtown will soon be refreshed with seal coating, the District of Elkford announced July 20.

Today, August 10, the district noted on social media that 2015 Seal Coating Program is getting underway and released a map showing where the work will be done (lead image).

“Seal coating is a process used to prolong the lifespan of asphalt that is not showing signs of needing replacement by adding a surface treatment of asphalt emulsion,” the district outlined in a Facebook post.

“During this process, selected cul-de-sacs and streets will be temporarily reduced to lone lane traffic. Prior to the seal coating treatment, residents will be notified of the scheduled days for your area. Residents who live in cul-de-sacs who would like to use their vehicle on the day of treatment will be asked to park in a designated zone outside the seal coat area, not directly near the intersection,” the district explained.

Residents who don’t have to drive their vehicle during the scheduled closure can leave them in their driveways.

Residents are reminded that driving over recently applied seal coating can result in tar sticking to your vehicle, the district pointed out.

The seal coating process is also weather-dependent and the schedule is subject to change.


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