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Home » Close encounter of the first kind

Posted: April 1, 2017

Close encounter of the first kind

By Bob Ede

It finally happened!

If you follow my articles here at e-KNOW you know I spend a lot of nights huddled in the bush with a camera.

Many people have asked if I’ve ever seen anything unusual – really unusual? Sure, I’ve seen meteors and aurora. I’ve heard coyotes howl in unison, sounding like a cross between Vivaldi and Lucinda Williams. I’ve also heard birches crack like gunshots in 40 below weather. Owls too have given me a scare on occasion; once, picking up my little dog, Willow, before realizing she wasn’t a rat and dropping her.

But tonight the real unusual happened! A large flying disk illuminated the sky, most certainly a UFO (a spacecraft!!!), flying over me while I fumbled with my camera.

Before I go on let me make it perfectly clear I had indulged in nothing – not beer, weed or anything stronger!

I missed getting a photo of it on descent, but got a picture after it landed over the ridge. The picture is above. You can see the glow from the spacecraft.

I was tempted to crawl to the edge of the bank and watch the aliens filing out of the ship, but Willow, was uneasy, nudging me, saying we should get the hell out of there.

We ran in the other direction. When we were safely away. I checked the time on my phone. I knew the authorities would want to know all the details.

My iPhone had stopped working; possibly interference from the spacecraft. It was frozen. The screen said, ‘12:01 am, April 1st.’

Lead image by Bob Ede who swears he was sober

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