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Posted: November 2, 2018

Local advancing citizen science in Alberta

On September 26, Columbia Valley resident and Living Lakes Canada Executive Director Kat Hartwig presented at the Advancing Citizen Science in Alberta: Changing Perspectives, Breaking Barriers conference hosted by Alberta Environment and Parks, Environmental Monitoring and Science Division, in collaboration with the Miistakis Institute.

This two-day workshop was a gathering place to learn about best practices in the field of citizen science as well as identify priority actions to advance the practice in Alberta.

Hartwigā€™s presentation, titled “Generating Credible Community-Based Data: Examples from British Columbia,” provided brief overviews of data collection projects Living Lakes Canada is working on, includingĀ Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping, theĀ Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program and CABIN Monitoring, as well as some of the policy research, collaboration and program planning that LLC is facilitating to increase the use of community-based data.

Hartwig was also part of a panelĀ that focused on credibility and relevance of citizen science data, illustrated by the below graphic.

Lead image: Kat Hartwig, centre, at theĀ Advancing Citizen Science in Alberta: Changing Perspectives, Breaking Barriers conference. Living Lakes Canada photo


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