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Posted: February 24, 2014

Celestial Rhythms – Week 9

KhojiViharaFebruary 24 – March 2

The wakeup call is near

By Khoji J Vihara

What an interesting week we’re heading into!

In rhythm with the Moon’s renewal, cosmic gears will be shifted; a major transition is knocking on our doors. In quick succession within three days, three planets and two major asteroids will change direction, opening the curtains for new scenes, transporting us to a different climate zone.

On February 27, dwarf planet Ceres will initiate the round. Mercury, Mars, Vesta and Saturn are following suit. This time earth goddess Ceres seems to play the main character. She’s the figurehead of a potent planetary team, endorsed by the Lunar North node.

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This group consists of Mars, Vesta and Ceres. They’re meeting in hexagram 50, The Cauldron, representing harmonization and stability. This hexagram speaks of internal cultivation via external burning. We’re blessed being motivated by commitment, given the chance to serve a superior purpose. The hexagram’s guidance says: “The Cauldron is stable and well-balanced. Good fortune. Everything goes smoothly.”

The cauldron was used for cooking royal feasts, offerings were made to the heavens and to one’s ancestors. Exemplifying the universal spirit of humanity, these gifts express people’s harmonious relationship with the spiritual realm and a deep gratitude for the good life we’re enjoying together. In celebrating everybody receives a fair share of the contribution, cherishing the feeling of being part of one big family.

CR Mars and Saturn's path -- Oct-2013 - Oct-2014Precisely two days prior to New Moon, Ceres reaches the pinnacle of her yearly wave. The Moon is back in the eleventh degree of Aquarius, where on January 30 the Year of the Wood Horse was set in motion.

Ceres is the goddess of harvest, in Greek mythology she’s known as Demeter (pictured above). She symbolizes unconditional motherly love. However, as the story goes, Hades the Lord of the Underworld abducted Persephone, her daughter. Consumed by deep sadness Demeter is heartbroken and falls into depression, neglecting her assignment of caring for life on earth. In the depth of her despair she neglects her chores. Helios, the sun god, seeing everything eventually enlightens Demeter of what had happened and she discovers the place of her abode. Pressed by the cries of hungry people and by other deities hearing the calls of anguish, Zeus is forcing Hades to return Persephone.

Hades complies with the request. However, first he tricks Persephone, giving her some pomegranate seeds to eat. But because she has eaten pomegranate seeds, she’s obliged to spend one third of each year down in the Underworld. Over and again when her daughter has to leave, Demeter’s neglect is transforming nature to a barren and inhospitable desert.

CR Ceres shooting out water vaporOnly a few weeks ago the European Space Agency released very exciting news, that Ceres, the largest member of the asteroid belt might contain more freshwater than all of planet Earth. Shy of 1,000 km in diameter, Ceres therefore must be covered by deep oceans, which remain solidly frozen for most of the time. Only when she’s coming closer to the Sun her surface is warming up, causing water vapor to shoot out.

Ceres’ myth shows deep ambivalence, swinging between powerful emotions. Now as we know she’s a water planet the huge mood swings she can trigger can be understood! As deeply caring and loving as her personality may be, the moment she’s struck by grief she’s totally paralyzed, all her light switches go off. Hence, whenever Ceres plays a prominent role, we should be prepared for extremes. Knowing that we could get thrown from the red hot to the ice cold; from intensely caring to spells of total abandonment and neglect.

CR 3horsesonfireVesta is the other asteroid goddess aligned with Mars. She’s known to follow her inner voice, worshipping higher principles, dedicating her energy to pure and noble causes. Vesta is intelligent, versatile and intensely focused.

The main belt asteroids form the bridge between our personal and the collective transpersonal worlds. Mediating amid the two realms, they’re linking the inner and the outer. They invite us to reach out and interact, to join the play; making best use of costumes and masks provided. When ready to participate we may find ourselves at the center of the spectacle, expressing our concerns and our emotions… simply because we feel the urge to give voice to love and gratefulness.

A few years back I read the book The Rational Optimist. Author Matt Ridley presents a brilliant and profound analysis of thousands of years of history. Defying voices of gloom and doom, he points out that humanity has never been better off than we are today. Based on his extensive studies, Ridley demonstrates that humanity made it through many disturbing and difficult times. Forced to adapt to unprecedented challenges, oftentimes our ancestors came up with radical solutions, not only resolving crisis but opening perspectives for unprecedented developments.

Facing the inevitable releases adrenaline, which will push our intelligence to new heights. Once a difficult situation is fully acknowledged and embraced, solutions are bound to surface. When compelled to make best use of our intelligence, when deadline are flashing and there’s no escape route available, when it comes down to the question of life or death, threats always turned out to become into breakthroughs.

This historic pattern is indeed promising, that against all odds, up to now humanity has been able to pull through any crisis, emerging at the other side of the tunnel stronger and more integrated.

What’s absolutely necessary though is recognizing looming threats. We urgently need an honest assessment before it’s too late to change the course of the ship. We need the adrenaline rush. Without it we won’t be able to give our best and awaken to the unwavering determination to pull the wheel around. However, it’s also good to remember, it’s about the journey and not so much about the outcome. We have arrived when every moment has become the destination.

I was born in Switzerland on March 12, 1955, and grew up on my grandfather’s farm. After high school I studied classical flute with Alexandre Magnin, at the Music Academy in Zurich where I graduated in 1979. For many years, music was my main focus, performing and teaching, classical music and improvisation. At the age of 18, I began studying many different systems of astrology, the Tarot and the I Ching. This led to much travel. From 1980 to 1982 I travelled through India; 1986/87 I was in Central and South America. In 1997 I immigrated to Canada, living in the Slocan Valley, until 2006. In 1998 I started my own business, importing minerals and silver jewelry from India. And from 2006 – 2012 I lived on an acreage in central Alberta before moving to Kimberley in 2013.
I was born in Switzerland on March 12, 1955, and grew up on my grandfather’s farm. After high school I studied classical flute with Alexandre Magnin, at the Music Academy in Zurich where I graduated in 1979. For many years, music was my main focus, performing and teaching, classical music and improvisation. At the age of 18, I began studying many different systems of astrology, the Tarot and the I Ching. This led to much travel. From 1980 to 1982 I travelled through India; 1986/87 I was in Central and South America. In 1997 I immigrated to Canada, living in the Slocan Valley, until 2006. In 1998 I started my own business, importing minerals and silver jewelry from India. And from 2006 – 2012 I lived on an acreage in central Alberta before moving to Kimberley in 2013.

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