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Home » Cereal Express returns to Candy Cane Lane

Posted: December 6, 2024

Cereal Express returns to Candy Cane Lane

Cranbrook residents are once again taking on the task of raising food items, especially cereals, for the Cranbrook Food Bank as part of the Christmas season.

“My family does this collection each year to honour two of the sweetest souls, Alyssa and Davis Bartraw. They were taken from us way too soon but have been imprinted on our hearts forever and will always be remembered and honored for their big hearts and the unconditional kindness they showed,” said food drive organizer Kim Eagles.

“In their absence we will turn some of our grief into love and spread it around as they both always did in their short time here. Even from the heavens, they continue to kindle kindness and spread joy.”

To collect food, the Eagles family has placed a bin out front in their yard on Candy Cane Lane (209 – 25th Ave. S) starting November 29.

Items will be brought in daily and taken to the Cranbrook Food Bank on Dec. 20 so they can be sent out to families before Christmas.

“We will accept and pass along any food donations but our focus is on cereal as that is always a big need for the food bank. Our goal this year is to collect 150 boxes,” Eagles said.

“Thank you for all the support!”


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