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Posted: February 19, 2020

City clarifies load restrictions in place

Most Industrial and Arterial Roads allow for full axle loads

After much communication over the past several days, the City of Cranbrook wants to reassure commercial and industrial businesses that many city industrial and arterial roads allow for 100% Legal Axle Loads, to be in line with provincial numbered highway restrictions

The city has produced a map showing the major routes where 100% loads are acceptable. Should those roads begin to show any damage from heavy traffic, additional restrictions may take place

As this is the first year for this citywide program to take place, the City of Cranbrook is focusing on communication and education with industry, rather than enforcement, to make sure minimal impacts occur to business and construction operations, while also protecting the road infrastructure from significant damage heavy loads can create. Moving forward the city is looking to create a sign-up program where updates and maps will be available via automatic emails.

You can find the updated map on the city website here.

City of Cranbrook

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