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Home » Council approves two new four-plexes

Posted: June 11, 2019

Council approves two new four-plexes

City of Cranbrook council last night approved an application by New Dawn Developments to facilitate the development of two new four-plex buildings on two separate 5th Avenue South lots.

Council unanimously voted to pass the third reading and adopt Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw #3970, 2019 (from “Core Commercial” to “Medium Density Residential”) and Zoning Amendment Bylaw #3971, 2019 (from “Three and Four Family Residential Zone: R-2” to “Medium Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-5”), following a public hearing. No one addressed council regarding the two amendments.

The amendments facilitate an infill development opportunity of two four-plex units (eight dwelling units) total on two lots. It is noted that the applicant will be required to apply for a variance to vary the side yard setbacks which would be between the two buildings and will be under separate application.

The zoning amendment was reviewed and has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The Advisory Planning Commission reviewed the proposed OCP and Zoning amendments and recommended Council approve them.

Coun. Norma Blissett told council she is proud to live in the area where the four-plexes will be built, noting, the amendment process was the first time since she’s been on council when such an application didn’t involve “negative input from the neighbours.”

Noting he grew up in the area, Coun. John Hudak said, “It’s nice to see there is revitalization happening down there.”


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