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Posted: September 18, 2018

Cranbrook RCMP detachment commander leaving

S/Sgt Hector Lee

Cranbrook RCMP Detachment commander S/Sgt. Hector Lee announced to City of Cranbrook council last night that he is leaving his post due to take on an advisory NCO position in Kelowna.

‘This city has been nothing but wonderful to me,” said Lee, informing council a replacement commander is currently being sought.

Calling his move a “bittersweet decision,” he told council he was leaving the detachment “in good hands.”

Sgt. Barry Graham and Sgt. Chris Dodds are in charge at the detachment until a new commander is named.

Council members commended S/Sgt. Lee for his work as detachment commander the past three years.

“You’ve done a great job since you’ve been here. You certainly made a difference in the detachment here,” said Mayor Lee Pratt.

“We have seen a huge difference in our community,” added Coun. Danielle Eaton.

Lead image: S/Sgt. Hector Lee leads a troop of Cranbrook RCMP officers during a Sam Steele Days Parade. e-KNOW file photo


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