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Home » Enid an inspiration for returning Mobility Enhancement Program

Posted: December 7, 2022

Enid an inspiration for returning Mobility Enhancement Program

Enid is an enthusiastic participant in the Mobility Enhancement, Physical Literacy program at the Western Financial Place concourse in Cranbrook.

She inspires us to look at what we can do and why it’s so important to maintain physical function and social connection.

Enid was a nurse and a nurse educator in her working life, so has a solid practical knowledge of why maintaining physical activity and function is essential.

Her walker provides support as she participates in the various activities promoting physical function, but she doesn’t see it as a limitation, just an appropriate adaptation to her circumstances.

Enid lives independently, gardens and maintains a healthy social life, including attending church regularly.

Her philosophy has three main factors; physical health, mental health and spiritual well-being.  Seems like a very well thought out and relevant approach to a long and productive life.

Enid just happens to be 95-years-old and will soon be celebrating her 96th birthday.  We think there’s a lot to be learned from Enid.

We welcome anyone interested in improving their mobility to attend the Mobility Enhancement Program at Western Financial Place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Our last session this year is on Thursday, December 8. It has been an unqualified success for everyone that a new session will start in January and we look forward to continuing this great physical literacy program.

Photo submitted

Cranbrook Mobility Enhancement Program




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