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Posted: September 28, 2012

Fallen leaves to black gold

Composting Workshop this Sunday at Cranbrook’s new Public Produce Garden

Composting!  It’s one of the best ways to improve the health of your gardens, clean up your yard, and make use of waste that’s filling up your garbage bins.  The best (and cheapest!) way to make your soil healthier is composting, and healthy soil is a key ingredient in happy, healthy, strong plants.  When grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen scraps are taken away with the garbage, your garden soil is robbed of important nutrients.

There are several misconceptions about composting this workshop will eradicate.  Some people believe a compost stinks, takes up too much room, looks bad, or takes too much time and effort.  When set up properly, none of these are true.  It’s incredibly rewarding to transform yard and kitchen waste into black gold for your garden.  It’s a lot easier than packing leaves into garbage bags and driving them to the dump, too!

Even without a yard, it’s possible to compost.  Especially if you get to know the Cranbrook Public Produce Garden a little better!  It belongs to you.

During this free hour long Intro to Composting Workshop, local expert, Laura Duncan, will share all you need to know to set up your own composting system (without spending a dime), or improve the one you’ve got.

Come and find out for yourself this Sunday, September 30, 2-3 p.m., at the Cranbrook Public Produce Garden.  In addition to the Composting Workshop, there will be fun activities from 1-4 p.m., including potato picking and tasting, fun kid’s games, produce to take home, and a chance to get to know what this project is all about!

The garden is located on the corner of 18 Ave. N & 6 St. N (Eric MacKinnon Park)

For more information contact Garden Manager, Christian Kimber (250)489-3917 or  [email protected]


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