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Home » Full-service gas station needed in Cranbrook

Posted: January 30, 2019

Full-service gas station needed in Cranbrook

Letter to the Editor

About two months ago the last full-service gas station in Cranbrook became self-serve. Where did that leave senior citizens and people with disabilities? Out in the cold!

While there is no legal requirement for service stations to provide staff to fill gas tanks, surely there is a moral obligation for there to be at least one in a community the size of Cranbrook.

So which company is willing to do the right thing and start pumping gas for those who find it a serious hardship, especially in winter? I truly believe you will be rewarded both personally and financially!

Providing services to those who need them the most is the true sign of a community that cares. I look forward to stopping by at whatever station steps forward – thanks!

Wayne Stetski,

Member of Parliament for Kootenay-Columbia

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