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Home » John Dixon Memorial helps light a Star

Posted: November 17, 2016

John Dixon Memorial helps light a Star

East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) is thrilled to announce the lighting of another star atop the East Kootenay Regional Hospital as part of the 2016 Starlite Campaign.

NAPA Autopro dealers from Southern B.C. and Alberta gathered this past fall to play golf in the third annual John Dixon Memorial Golf Tournament.

“Our corporate office and our dealers have great respect for John and the Dixon family and it’s been our pleasure to come together to raise funds for EKFH a charity that the family has a passion for,” reports event organizer Josh Braithwaite, Banners & Major Account Coordinator of the NAPA Autopro Group in Calgary.

The tournament raised $3,123.81 towards the MRI: An Image of Health Campaign to bring a permanent MRI to the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.

It is great to see the Napa Autopro and Dixon Service Centre teams come together for a fun day of golf to remember John Dixon. The annual golf tournament has already made a significant impact on healthcare throughout the East Kootenay and this donation to the MRI: An Image of Health Campaign continues to improve healthcare for all in the East Kootenay,” said Cassandra Schwarz, Executive Director of EKFH.

To light a large star is $5000 and a small star is $2,500. All donations of every size make a huge difference and will accumulate to light a “community star” to help us reach our goal.

To make your holiday starlite gift to the MRI please contact the EKFH office at 1-877-489-6481 or donate online at

Lead image: Back row, left, Randy Camelo, Keelan Boyle, Colin Sloan and Wes Rogers. Front row, left, Angie Campen, Marian Dixon, Julie Lynch and Cassandra Schwarz. EKFH photo

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