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Home » Spring street sweeping underway in Cranbrook

Posted: April 4, 2023

Spring street sweeping underway in Cranbrook

Over the next few days, the City of Cranbrook will be sweeping priority one routes including 3rd Avenue, 7th Avenue, 11th Avenue and 14th Avenue South.

If you are driving and are approaching a street sweeper, please slow down and move around these machines with caution.  Please park off street in these areas wherever possible to allow our sweepers to do the best job possible.

As the street sweeping program rolls out, we will provide up-to-date information on our website about which areas of the city our team is currently working in.  You can find information here.

Each spring, our Public Works team strives hard to remove much of the debris on city roads left behind from its winter maintenance efforts, through the annual street sweeping operations, which typically runs from mid to late March through June of each year.

Street sweeping operations will continue at regular intervals through the spring and summer months ahead of major events, and to also help with removal of debris through the fall months, too.

e-KNOW file photo

City of Cranbrook

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