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Home » Underhanded government needs to be turfed

Posted: September 4, 2022

Underhanded government needs to be turfed

Letter to the Editor

Our leftie federal government will be introducing legislation this fall to ban any further ownership of handguns. This might sound really good to so called progressives and mostly urban dwellers in our country, but in fact will do nothing to curb gun violence.

It is smoke and mirrors legislation designed to win votes in urban centres like Vancouver and Toronto, etc.

I have heard reports that up to 90% of the gun crimes committed in Canada are with guns smuggled illegally from the US.  Our federal government knows this and certainly have these numbers, but intentionally hide this from Canadians in order to promote their agenda.

It is the easiest thing in the world to just introduce this useless legislation, rather than addressing the much more difficult, but genuine problem of smuggling these guns across our borders from the US.

They will just say ‘look at what we have done to curb gun violence, we have outlawed them’ and the disturbing thing is that too many voters buy into this.

I have heard gun control freaks using the example of how effective banning guns, etc. have been in New Zealand and Australia. Really! These nations have the distinct advantage of sitting in the middle of a huge ocean away from any other nation, but we share a 7,000K border with the most gun crazed nations on the face of the earth!

We already have some of the strictest controls on handguns in the world, so nothing further is needed.

The most upsetting thing to me, is not really the banning of handguns, that is not earth shattering to me, but what is so appalling is the underhanded way this government continues to deceive Canadians and not coming to grips with real issues.

We need to turf this government, but now with Mr. Trudeau’s alliance with his fellow leftie Mr. Singh unfortunately won’t happen for another two years.

Neil Matheson,


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