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Home » Zone changed to accommodate cannabis cultivation

Posted: January 8, 2019

Zone changed to accommodate cannabis cultivation

City of Cranbrook council last night unanimously agreed to adopt amendments to the city’s zoning bylaw to allow a cannabis nursery and cannabis micro cultivation operation in the M-2, Light Industrial zone.

The city proceeded with the amendments in December 2018 after receiving an application from Philippe Roux for a new cannabis cultivation operation and council Jan. 7 passed third reading and adoption of zoning Bylaw No. 3956.

“In support of his application Mr. Roux feels that rezoning is in the best interest of the community. The applicant has a commitment from an industrial zoned property owner to rent the applicant space to conduct business located at 800 Industrial Road 2 (EB Horseman),” a report from Rob Veg, city planner with Office of Innovation and Collaboration outlined for council.

The zoning amendment was necessary, Veg explained, because the city’s zoning bylaw only recognizes “Medical Marihuana (sic) Grow Operations” as permissible with specific definitions and regulations that were adopted in 2014. As currently defined any facility growing cannabis would have to be for medical purposes.

“Staff is comfortable with the proposed uses in the M-2, Light Industrial zone. In 2014, the city adopted a bylaw amendment to facilitate medical marihuana grow operations in the M-2 zone in addition to adopting a set of specific regulations for the use. To date only one such operation has been proposed, however, given the new license opportunities for recreational cannabis production, staff feels the industrial zone is the most appropriate area for this type of industry as it is consistent with the position from 2014 and there hasn’t been any reason to not maintain this position on the land use. Furthermore, by allowing the new license types, it may provide opportunity for additional economic development for small scale cannabis production in the industrial area,” Veg reported.

A public hearing was also held last night, with no one speaking for or against the bylaw. One letter of support was received by the city and the advisory planning committee considered the application on December 17 and recommended the bylaw be approved.


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