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Home » A clear sky July aqua-view to the Purcells

Posted: August 1, 2021

A clear sky July aqua-view to the Purcells

By Dan Hicks

Despite the close-at-hand threat of Bill Nye Mountain Wildfire flames, a distant over-the-ocean Olympiad with its ebbing flame, and a resurgent mutating coronavirus – all being somewhat more “newsworthy,” a scenic East Kootenay summer sun setting peaceably over the ancient Purcells serenely conveys that we are, at times, rather more than a tormented land of unceasing smoke and fire.

Tranquil natural landscape moments such as these serve to momentarily distract anxiety-ridden beholders from the deep inner existential fears of our day – runaway climate change, a virulent viral Armageddon, and the dreaded zombie apocalypse.

Images courtesy Dan Hicks

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