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Home » Board supports Perry Creek area trail application

Posted: March 18, 2019

Board supports Perry Creek area trail application

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors March 8 agreed to support an application pursuant to Section 57 of the Forest and Range Practices Act to construct approximately 2.9 km of trail between Perry Creek Road and Booth Creek Forest Service Road by the Kootenay Rockies ATV Club.

Click to enlarge; maps from RDEK agenda

In response to a Natural Resource Operations Referral on the trail construction, the RDEK supports the ATV Club’s Crown Land application to establish and maintain a BC Recreation Trail between a portion of Perry Creek Road and Booth Creek Forest Service Road in the vicinity of Wycliffe.

The area is intended to be open for public use.

“The construction of a trail would enhance backcountry recreation assets, which RSS policies support. The proposed trail would provide legal access between two forest service roads,” noted a report to the RDEK board by planning technician Krista Gilbert.

While the Perry Booth Connector will be an approximately 11 km trail, only 2.9 km (two metres wide) needs to be constructed. The rest of the trail is already constructed.

The staging area will subsequently be designated as an established recreation site under FRPA Section 56 (establishing recreation sites or trails on Crown land). The designation will give Recreation Sites and Trails BC the needed tools to work collaboratively with the Kootenay Rockies A TV Club in the ongoing improvements and recreation management of the area, Gilbert reported.

“The proposed trail is intended to provide a safe, legal and environmentally sound route for users to get from Perry Creek FSR to Booth Creek FSR. The application states that without this section of trail, riders either use the road illegally, or drive on the creek bed.

“The referral states that approval of this trail is dependent on the club obtaining a permit from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to cross Perry Creek Road at right angles to the Wycliffe South FSR.”

The application also has the support of the Electoral Area C Planning Advisory Committee.

Electoral Area E Director Jane Walter asked the board to include in its motion of support a request for a meeting with Perry Creek residents to inform them about the application. The board agreed.

“From the calls I am getting they’re (residents) afraid it may slip. They just want to know what they are doing,” Walter said, pointing out parking as a common concern.


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