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Home » Horoscope for the Week beginning May 11

Posted: May 11, 2018

Horoscope for the Week beginning May 11

By Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week

This is a big week astrologically because Uranus enters Taurus on the same day of the New Moon, just hours later.

As mentioned last week, this includes a lead up with Mars in almost exact square to Uranus. The exact square technically occurs on May 16 when Mars enters Aquarius. In other words, the exact Uranus/Mars Square occurs at 0 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus, respectively. That the lead up hosted both planets at 29 Capricorn and Aries respectively remains significant. 0 and 29 are the alpha and omega degrees. The takeaway: something major will begin by destined appointment. The outer synchronicities will reveal this in various ways and evidently too.

On May 13, Mercury enters Taurus followed shortly thereafter by the Moon, as if to announce Uranus’s arrival a couple of days later. By May 19, Venus enters Cancer and the Sun enters Gemini on the 21st. The close planets do not make a major impact but the synchronicities that arise reflective of these movements are there all the same. These all occur in the flow and are seldom recognized in terms of their astrological significance. Not that they should be, per se, but that they can be is the secret sauce because that they can be is a testimony to a multi-dimensional universe that operates by what might be described as divine intention, the proverbial plan which is supported by a rich tapestry of spiritual, cosmic and natural laws.

So, phase two of spring is extra eventful this year. As we head into the third period of the season, most of the major movements will have already begun. Thus it will largely host the developmental processes and aftermath of the initial launches. For example, the synchronicity shortly after Chiron entered Aries revealed North Korea announcing its commitment to disarm its nuclear arsenal! On a final note, in the Universal 11-Year, May is a 16/7 month. In the Tarot, 16 is the Tower which can be described as a renovation process of some kind so keep a watch out for some heavy hitting aimed at a positive outcome.

May 11 – 17

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Your curiosities have been peaking for a while now and this trend will not only continue, it will deepen this week. Like arriving at the top of the mountain, however, you will likely be ready to begin to make your way home again. With so many responsibilities brewing and family affairs to attend to, you will be glad to have scratched some itches.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Uranus entering your sign this week will prove eventful, or at least historic. If the activation of your sense of identity, purpose and mode of expression does not undergo a noticeable shift this week it will probably do so soon. Changes in your public and professional life and social status, in general, are especially likely.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

A revolutionary impulse is pushing you to assert yourself. This trend will continue for well into summer. Positively, it could manifest as inspiration and activation of your imagination. One way or another, you could be very expressive before the week is out. This includes sharing your thoughts openly, perhaps assertively and possibly with hyperbole.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

You are stepping out with a clearer and stronger sense of individuality. This could manifest as a dramatic push and assertion of skills and talents. Your ambitions will rise noticeably before the month is over. A full display of your abilities, charms and graces are part of the plot. Investments of time, energy and probably money too are featured.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Big changes in your public and professional sphere will become even more evident this week. Fortunately, there are indications that your energy levels and a no-nonsense attitude will rise to meet the challenge. Your ability to focus on practical matters will be stronger too. This could prove to be a very important and advantageous surge forward.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Your worldview will undergo an expansion over the coming weeks. This could include visiting new places and meeting new people. To this end, circumstances will push you to be on best behaviour. As well, the focus could shift to new the process of acquiring new skills and tools, a process that began a few weeks ago. Get ready for a heavier workload than usual.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

A shift is coming that will bring changes and deepen your position on things. Finances are a central theme in this plot. You are in the mood to entertain new possibilities. This could include travel, especially now, but you may not be in the mood as much as the month progresses unless it includes family. Either way, your mood will shift from animated to sober.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Shakes and quakes on relationship fronts are in the forecast. You may well already be feeling the tremors. These may prove to be in your favor, opening doors that were previously closed and perhaps apparently stuck. Engaging with others whose talents complement your own is featured. This will prove especially true later and into June.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Changes in your lifestyle and usual routine and habits are an important focus now. These will call for more discipline on your part. It could be the perfect time to embark on a fitness program. Simply walking more can add up noticeably. Cooperative efforts are highlighted and ideal. Such a focus should also include a healthier diet. Go greener!

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

A creative and inventive cycle is poised to begin and it is destined to last a while, years in fact. In the short-term, the emphasis will be on relationships and perhaps a healing focus. It is possible that you have been challenged to decipher your best direction of late, even over the past few years, so this could help.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Shifts and changes close to home should be quite apparent by now. If not, they will be soon. These will push you out of the gates like a racehorse. Your focus will center on the home front for the next 3-4 weeks especially. Given the season, this flow could work perfectly to enjoy domestic chores and activities in the spring air.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Changes in your perspectives and priorities will become more evident this week. These are linked to your home and family and will continue for the remainder of the season. At deeper levels, circumstances will push you to face and overcome possible fears blocking a fuller expression. The first step is acknowledgment and you may need external support to prevail.

– Michael O’Connor is a professional astrologer with an international clientele.  He has 30 years of study in Astrology, Numerology and related metaphysical and spiritual modalities, over 20 years of full-time practice, is an entertaining and inspirational speaker, and writes a popular New Moon Newsletter and Horoscope Column. To learn more about Booking an Appointment, attending one of Michael’s Workshops or Webinars or one of his inspiring Visual Presentations, please visit his website or contact Michael directly. or (250) 352-6871 or [email protected]

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