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Posted: February 23, 2024

MLA Clovechok not seeking re-election

Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok this afternoon announced that he will not seek re-election in the provincial election this upcoming October, citing health challenges.

“Today, I am sharing that I have had to make the difficult decision that I will not be seeking re-election in the next provincial election, scheduled for October 2024,” said two-term MLA Clovechok.

“While I had previously committed to running again, since that initial commitment I have been faced with health challenges which lead me to have significant and important discussions with my wife, my children, and my grandchildren about our future. While my health challenges are being managed and ultimately I am going to be fine, we concluded that serving another four year term as your MLA was not in the cards for me.

“It has been an honour and privilege to serve the constituents of Columbia River-Revelstoke as your MLA for nearly eight years now. I am incredibly proud of the work I was able to accomplish for our communities, alongside my hard-working staff members and others throughout the region.

“I love my job and I have loved serving our community, but I am confident that this is the best decision for me and my family. I will remain the MLA for Columbia River-Revelstoke until the election and will continue to work hard on your behalf until then.

“I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of Kevin Falcon and all of my BC United colleagues. I am incredibly excited about the vision that Kevin has for our province and I know that he will fix the mess created by the NDP. I look forward to supporting my successor in the upcoming campaign to help deliver a BC United MLA and government to bring about that much-needed change in direction for British Columbia.

“Thank you to all who supported me over the years and helped me deliver for our constituents over the past eight years.”


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