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Posted: September 24, 2021

SD5 Board Notes

The following is a summary of School District No. 5 Board of Trustees’ motions carried September 14, via Zoom.

Motions Carried


That the Board sends the trades funding letter to the Minister of Education and Minister of Advanced Education.

That the Board approves the amended FESL and send to the Ministry of Education.

That the correspondence item be returned to the previous process where all correspondence received is listed on the agendas. The correspondence from August’s Advocacy/Education Committee meeting is to be forwarded to the September Advocacy/Education Committee meeting along with any new items.


That the Board approves the meeting locations in the 2021-22 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule.

That the Board accepts the Select Standing Committee on Government Finances and Services (SSCGFS) record of submission and forward to the BCSTA.


That the private vehicle reimbursement for mileage for all employees and directors of the district be updated on an annual basis, effective July 1 of each year, to coincide with the reimbursement rate disclosed in the CFTA Collective Agreement.

That the Board accepts and approves the 2020/2021 BDO Canada Audited Financial Statements and approve the appropriations as disclosed in the notes to the Financial Statements.


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