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Home » Sealcoating work to commence in three areas

Posted: June 5, 2019

Sealcoating work to commence in three areas

In the coming days, Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting Ltd. will commence chip seal (sealcoating) operations on Kootenay #3 Road in Aqisknuk and Windermere (pictured above) and Sheep Creek Road (Premier Lake area) as well as in various locations and side roads in the Wasa townsite.

“Before applying the sealcoating, you may notice our crews conducting overlay patching on the roads in preparation to ensure a smooth road surface. Crews will return after work is completed to clean up gravel and other aggregates left behind from the surface improvements,” Mainroad said.

Work will commence the second week of June and continue for roughly two weeks. “During this time, we hope to keep disturbance to local businesses and residents to a minimum,” Mainroad noted in a public update.

Access to all business will remain open, although some detours to your normal route may be necessary to ensure safety of our workers.

Please watch for work zones and obey orange construction signage.

Duration of work at each site will be “short-duration” work, meaning less than one shift at a time. Work will be conducted by Mainroad crews, as well as subcontractors working under Mainroad oversight.

“There will be no excessive noise or bright lights overnight as a result of this work. There may be some work on weekends,” Mainroad said.

“Finally, please remember your responsibility as a driver to obey traffic control persons, and to “slow down and move over” for emergency or maintenance vehicles. These laws are in place to help ensure the safety of your passengers as well as our crews.”

No work will be conducted on main numbered highways.


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