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Posted: December 9, 2020

Stupidity and ignorance keeping this virus going

Letter to the Editor

In response to all the “anti-maskers” and the protesters. Are you people really that stupid? The COVID ‘thing’ is real. It is not a hoax; it is not some kind conspiracy or ‘fake news.’ It is real and it is killing people.

You really think Trump is right and you have the right to ignore public health rules that were put in place to try and stop this virus once and for all?

Look at the numbers people; over a million dead and they are not going to stop anytime soon.

These masking rules and face covering rules and distancing rules have been put in place to protect you and your family. Follow the news people. A single infected person can within a week spawn an outbreak of dozens of cases.

Are you going to all get together and pay all bills for every person you infect? Simply because you don’t want to wear a mask? How good and proud of yourself are you going to feel when you find out that your partner, child, mother, father or your grandparents are now sick and we sure hope, not  dead, simply because you don’t like wearing a mask? All it takes is to be reasonably close to someone, such as walking past them, or talking to them for a few minutes, and you have just started a new outbreak. Yes, it can happen that fast.

I don’t like wearing that mask either. But my health is already compromised as is those with others in my family. So are a few very good friends. If wearing a mask is going to help protect me, my family, or my friends, well then the least I can do is wear a mask to help us all.

In my opinion you anti-masers are stupid; you are selfish and you are putting everyone at risk. And you think you’re the only ones this virus is effecting. Your stupid, ignorant attitude is what is keeping this virus going.

The powers that be can, and I think should, up the fines, significantly, for anyone refusing to wear a mask and full criminal charges for assaulting, in any fashion or manner, anyone asking you to mask up.

It is your right to not wear a mask. If that’s what you choose then stay at home where you’re not endangering others. A little inconvenience is nothing compared to keeping your family, friends and community safe.

Grow up and smell the coffee. As they have said, “WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER” and together is the only way it’s going to stop this virus.

With all the food recalls and other viruses and inflections making a big come back and now COVID-19, maybe Mother Nature is telling us something. She’s trying to clean up the “gene pool” and maybe we should stop and think about that. She’s done in the past, very successfully. Is it time again?

Tom Haverko,


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