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Posted: January 30, 2017

Elkford Council News

The following is a breakdown as to what occurred during the January 23 District of Elkford council meeting.

Strategic plan approved

Council approved the 2017 Strategic Plan that will continue to guide Elkford’s plans, projects, and priorities.

Official appointment of new Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief

Mayor Dean McKerracher welcomed and made a small presentation to Fire Chief Corey Kortmeyer and Deputy Fire Chief Curtis Nyuli. Both Corey and Curtis held these positions on an interim basis while the former Fire Chief was on leave from the district.

Heritage Program

One of council’s strategic priorities was to commence on a Heritage Program. Council has referred Heritage Planning to the District’s Community Advisory Committee to identify heritage goals for the District of Elkford. The district will also submit a grant application to the British Columbia/Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. Communities and their Contributions to Canada program.


Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 796, 2016 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 797, 2016 were adopted. The amendments will re-designate and rezone property at 2700 Balmer Drive (the Lutheran Church) to allow for a Single Family Dwelling.

Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 798, 2017 received its first two readings. This bylaw will guide the district’s budgeted activities for 2017 through to 2021.

The district will conduct an Open House, February 8, (2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.) at the Community Conference Centre to provide information to the public on the financial aspects of municipal activities contained within the budget.

District of Elkford

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