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Home » 2nd Avenue traffic patterns staying the same

Posted: July 11, 2020

2nd Avenue traffic patterns staying the same

At the Special Meeting of City of Fernie council on July 9, council approved staff’s recommendation to maintain the status quo along 2nd Avenue downtown.

At council’s previous direction, staff engaged the public and stakeholders on possible temporary changes to accommodate one-way traffic along 2nd Avenue between 4th and 7th Street in support of business recovery this summer.

The city collected feedback between June 19 and July 2, and results were presented to council with the recommendation to maintain the status quo, based on the following key factors:

The primary objective of the proposed project was to support potential businesses’ expansion into the public space, and 70% of businesses on 2nd Avenue indicated they would not use part of the street to expand for the summer;

The majority business community in the directly affected project area did not support or were neutral to the proposal, and were either ambivalent to the changes or saw them as negative;

Administration had no data that would indicate proposed changes would result in better business recovery.

Council approved the recommendation.

Staff intend to incorporate additional feedback from the 2nd Avenue survey into the community engagement scope of work for the Integrated Transportation Master Plan project.

e-KNOW file photo

City of Fernie

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