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Posted: May 26, 2023

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the May 16 District of Sparwood council meeting.


On May 3, Mayor and Council held a Town Hall meeting at the Seniors’ Drop-In Centre where the following items were discussed: Strategic Priorities; Centennial Plaza (work underway pictured above); Leisure Centre (Hot Tub Replacement); Westwood Land Development; Active Transportation Corridor (Paved Pathways); 2023 Paving Schedule; Provincial-Crosswalk Hwy 43 & Traffic Light Hwy 3; Upcoming Development Permits; Wastewater Treatment Plant; Asset Management; Supply Chain Issues and Labour Shortage; Staffing at the district.

After council provided updates on these topics and responded to the questions, there was an open question period where council responded to questions from the public.


Minor Development Variance Permit (DVP) Delegation

A new Delegation Bylaw and an amendment to the Development Application Procedures Bylaw were adopted by Council. These bylaws will allow minor DVP applications to be delegated to the Director of Planning and Development (or the CAO in their absence). By delegating powers to staff to issue minor DVPs, Staff and clients will see a reduction in application processing time and potentially a reduction in workload which frees up capacity for other applications and projects.

Growing Communities Fund Reserve Bylaw

In March, the district received a $2,025,000 grant from the province to help prioritize local infrastructure and amenity projects to enable community growth. As a requirement of the funding, the grant funds must be placed in a separate reserve fund, all earned interest must be tracked and allocated back to the fund and may only be used for eligible purposes. This bylaw was given first, second, and third readings and will be brought back for adoption at a future meeting. During Committee-of-the-Whole, the allocation of these funds was discussed and staff was given the direction to investigate eligibility for: the pool retiling project, Centennial Plaza washrooms, and a permanent outdoor stage.


Notice of Hearing Temporary Use Permit (TUP) 2023-00

Notice is hereby given, that a public hearing will be held for council to consider application of Temporary Use Permit TUP2023- 001 to allow the placement of three modular office complexes comprising of 128 office spaces and a 120-stall parking lot at 749 Douglas Fir Road for a period of two years, on June 6, at 6 p.m. MST in Council Chambers, at 136 Spruce Avenue.

Following the public hearing, council will consider a resolution to issue TUP2023-001 at the regular meeting of council.

Copies of the draft Temporary Use Permit and related documents can be reviewed at the Municipal Office at 136 Spruce Ave, between May 22 until June 6, 2023, during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. All persons who believe that their interest is affected by the proposed Temporary Use Permit shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard in person, by a representative, or by written submission on the matters contained within TUP2023-001 at the public hearing. Written submissions may be mailed to or dropped off at District of Sparwood. These submissions must be received by no later that 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, to ensure their availability to council at the hearing.

All submission must include your name street address and are considered public information, pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Water System and Bylaw Review

During Committee-of-the-Whole, the committee was provided with information on the district’s water system, the source of Sparwood’s drinking water and current water demand. They reviewed the Utility and Solid Waste Management Bylaw and provided staff with direction to strengthen the regulations pertinent to water conservation practices and create clear processes for water bottling facility requests.

Community Funding and Support

There were two Category 2 Community Funding requests approved at the meeting. The Sparwood Mix Slow Pitch received $1,000 in support of the field rental fees for 2023, and the Sparwood Secondary School Graduation Committee received $3,000 in support of the 2023 Graduation Banner program.


  • Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 6 in Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) at 6 p.m.
  • Youth Advisory Commission Meeting Tuesday, May 16 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
  • Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 20 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.

e-KNOW file photos

District of Sparwood

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