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Home » Input sought for new community plan; hearing Feb. 19

Posted: February 13, 2018

Input sought for new community plan; hearing Feb. 19

By Michelle Forbes

The City of Kimberley has been working for well over a year to replace the Official Community Plan (OCP), which was last updated in 2005.

There has been some controversy over the proposed new plan’s designation of the Marysville Benchlands.

The City of Kimberley OCP and supporting information may be found here or weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Kimberley City Hall until Monday, February 19, when it will be holding a public hearing.

The public hearing will be held at McKim School Theatre (689 Rotary Drive, Kimberley) on Monday, February 19 at 7 p.m.

For those unable to attend the hearing, they are invited to send a written submission to the Manager of Planning Services by 3 p.m. Friday, February 16, by e-mail ([email protected]) by fax (250-427-5252), or drop off at City Hall at 340 Spokane Street.

City Hall has been working on updating the OCP since they started its review in October 2015, and is working to create more concise mapping to align land use policy with asset management and infrastructure planning.

Letters have been sent to city hall throughout the process, and many heated debates have been held in chambers, in which councillors and mayor have debated the different merits of the options presented. More input is still being accepted, and more debates will surely happen before the OCP is finalized.

No written submissions will be accepted after the conclusion of the public hearing, so if you would like your say on this topic, be sure to stop by City Hall or their website to view the changes and take this chance to submit your opinions on the changes to the city while the city is still receiving public input.

For more information, contact Planning Services at city hall at: 250-427-5311 or [email protected]


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